SECCO code of conduct, is fundamental to our success. It ensures that all we do – as a business and as individuals – meets the highest ethical, legal and professional standards.


invaluable cross cultural, solution and technical expertise

Secco’s strategy is designed to deliver sustainable, profitable growth in a changing and more competitive business environment.

In all that we do, we are living up to the SECCO’s Commitment to partners, which includes acting responsibly throughout our business and following our core values.

SECCO code of conduct, is fundamental to our success. It ensures that all we do – as a business and as individuals – meets the highest ethical, legal and professional standards.

Our Values

Our values help us in SECCO drive our objectives and provide us with guidelines by which we achieve meaningful results. Our SECCO’s corporate values are guideposts to mark the path and guidelines within which we behave in our dealings with each other, our business partners, clients and the communities in which we operate. Only by maintaining this shared focus do we, as individuals, become a successful team and network.

We insist on open, honest and fair relationships with each other, our clients and business partners. We believe this is the only way to do business.

at SECCO We will continuously strive to 'do the right thing' in support of our business partners, fellow employees and all of our stakeholders.

at SECCO We respect our employees and value their contributions. We are dedicated to creating a fair work environment that is professionally challenging and personally rewarding. We believe in teamwork, and as a team, delivering exceptional results to our business partners. We are committed to the professional development of each person as they progress through their career at SECCO.

we take the approach that make all brief clearly accepted, which addresses context, creates its own creative culture and innovation. Our works are not confined to a singular conventional style, but are expressions of the diverse idea within the project. We are committed to creating innovative, workable solutions to respond to the unique characteristic of each project. Our approach to design is thus a collective effort, which guides design decisions, solution and the team thinking processes.

Our active collaboration with business partners, clients, consultants and specialists enables us to achieve solution excellence. Experience with potential business partners and projects, has provided our firm with invaluable cross-cultural and technical expertise.

Our portfolio includes a variety of project such as multidisciplinary Solution, Investment, Marketing, iT, infrastructure, Technology, Development, Back end system.

Aside from comprehensive, professional architectural services, we also provide consultancy services in the following areas :

• Investment

• Manufacture

• Farm

• Factory

• Visual Communication

• Marketing

• iT support

• Hospitality

• Food Industries

• Property

• Broadcast

Our distinct Purpose and our operational expertise across our business model will help realize our vision of accelerating growth in the business, and increasing our positive social impact.

At SECCO We insist

on open, honest and fair relationships with each other

We believe

this is the only way to do business.

Meet our Team... they are always up to something good!

We want to leverage the full potential in our business model

We want to leverage the full potential in our business model to gain network and thus to outperform our contributions. This will be done by: actively managing our portfolio,strengthening our idea,launching powerful innovations, and focusing on our research and development. To capture the potential for accelerated growth and increased profitability in our categories, we have segmented them into three clusters: "Core, growth and value"We will continue to focus on every our research & development while further consolidating our brand portfolio.To achieve this, we will expand our potential and support our brands with strong innovations and focused marketing investments.

We are strengthening our global presence continuously.

The strategic priority “Globalize” describes our differentiated regional strategies to grasp growth opportunities . Leverage strength in mature markets and expand in emerging markets In mature markets, we will leverage our strengths and generate profitable growth by increasing our brand investments and maintaining our quality focus. In emerging markets, we will expand our existing category positions and accelerate growth in countries where we already have a strong presence. We will also selectively enter new growth markets where we do not have a foothold yet. At SECCO We are strengthening our global presence continuously.

Extending shared services: new hubs, more business processes

“Simplify” is the strategic priority which summarizes our ongoing improvement processes. We will continuously drive our operational excellence by making our processes faster and more standardized, focusing on research & development, high standard & quality as well as end-to-end optimization. Extending shared services: new hubs, more business processes Integrated IT platform In addition to shared services, a stronger focus on information technology (IT) will be critical to increasing the efficiency of our business processes. We will leverage an integrated network process platform supported by significant additional IT investments. .

our clear commitment to strengthen our solid team

“Inspire” is the strategic priority which describes our clear commitment to strengthen our solid team. We will focus on three areas: Supervision, Manpower, Performance, & Diversity. Strong Supervision As part of our focus on developing Supervision, we have defined new Supervision principles which will provide guidance on how to manage the complexity of Supervision roles and inspire our teams. Manpower & Performance To attract and retain manpower, we will strengthen our employer and continue to concentrate on making a highly attractive team. We reinforced the importance of flexible work arrangements for both employees and the company.